“Revive every cell in your body with positive energy, thoughts, and action.”
- Diane Shiao, PT, MSPT, DPT, SST
we see miracles everyday
No matter how debilitating, you can always improve your condition. Our success rate is extremely high. With our specialized hands-on care, proper guidance and facilitation, our patients achieve long-term wellness.
We treat all outpatient orthopedic ailments with spine rehabilitation as our specialty. Certified in the German and Barcelona Schroth Scoliosis Therapy and The SEAS Italian Method for scoliosis, Dr. Shiao focuses on aligning the body with postural corrections and proper body positioning. With tactile cueing and key instructions, spinal asymmetries will diminish and the body will restore to a more balanced place. Whether the diagnosis is for scoliosis, whiplash, spinal pain, arthritis, herniated discs or back injury, our manual treatment, customized exercises, modalities, and wellness education will lead to successful rehabilitation.